[JDEV] Scalability

August Zajonc ml at augustz.com
Wed Jan 2 03:54:27 CST 2002

Hello folks,

I've got a rather comprehensive set of questions, which I hope haven't been
beaten to death before now. I've read a number of months of the mailing list
archives and searched on topics of particular interest both there and on the
jdev at jabber.org discussion room archives, along with reading most of the
documents available. That said, I'm new to jabber so my apologies if I get
something obvious wrong here.


Be interested in scalability and system sizing information for 100k - 1
million concurrent users including perhaps a message/second metric.

The current XML protocol seems to set up two TCP streams per client
connection to the server. Curious if there has been or will be any effort to
do a stateless version of the jabber transport in something like UDP which
might allow larger numbers of concurrent users on a system, especially if
actual activity was very low. There'd be some small added complexity in the
application layer but for most folks that would be hidden by wrappers or
libraries and this would seem to overcome one of the clearer jabber
bottlenecks. TCP seems ill suited for this type of app especially as user
activity drops and concurrent "connections" rise.

At first glance it seems that using xdb_sql the jabberd's then become
stateless, is there something I am missing here? Along with UDP this would
make load balancing a bit easier.

The documentation for much of jabber is really excellent. Felt there was a
bit of a hole doc wise in the server-side JECL component area. It could use
a bit more of an overview document outlining usage/features of JECL and

Hope the scalability concerns prove unfounded or in the soon to be solved

All the best,

- August

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