[JDEV] jabber newbie need help for XDB

David Waite mass at akuma.org
Mon Feb 11 17:26:41 CST 2002

JabberBeans creates Objects representing the content of the XML, rather 
than a generic object structure like you get with W3C DOM. One of the 
requirements for this is that the overall structure of the data is 
well-defined. Several XDB requests and responses use the same XML 
namespaces as user-side functionality, but do not conform to the 
interfaces defined there.

I think there have been XDB components released based on JabberBeans - 
if so, they most probably have written alternate extension objects to 
support this implementation specific, internal mutation of jabber:iq:auth.

The second is more disturbing - it indicates that the data 
store/retrieval mechanism is treating the username portion of the JID in 
a case-sensitive manner, which is incorrect.

-David Waite

mike pablo wrote:

>When I sent:
><xdb to="user1 at mylinux.com" from="mycompoment" id="0"
>type="get" ns="jabber:iq:auth"></xdb>
>I got back:
><xdb to="mycomponent" from="user1 at mylinux.com" id="0"
>type="result" ns="jabbe
>I also found if jabber user id begins with capital
>letter the XDB response is different from above, for
>example, when I sent:
><xdb to="User2 at mylinux.com" from="mycompoment" id="0"
>type="get" ns="jabber:iq:auth"></xdb>
>I got back:
><xdb to="mycomponent" from="User2 at mylinux.com" id="0"
>type="result" ns="jabber:iq:auth"></xdb>
>there is no <query> element inside <xdb> element.
>Anybody can help?
>>mike pablo wrote:
>>>I am running Jabber-1.4.2-test2 in Redhat Linux 7.1,
>>>have an accept component, when I send the following
>>>packet from my component:
>>><xdb to="user1 at mylinux.com/Work" from="mycompoment"
>>>id="0" type="get" ns="jabber:iq:auth"></xdb>
>>Try to='user1 at mylinux.com', without the resource
>>-David Waite
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