[JDEV] memory leak...

Thomas Muldowney temas at box5.net
Thu Feb 7 15:53:12 CST 2002

Could you split the server into seperate pieces and then run it?  We
currently have no known leaks in jabberd itself, but I believe msn might
have some.


----- Original Message -----
From: "James Stevens" <james at kyzo.com>
To: <jdev at jabber.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 9:35 AM
Subject: [JDEV] memory leak...

> Hi,
> I've got a problem with memory leaks.
> I'm using jabber v1.4.1 with conference v0.4.1, msn v1.1, jud v0.4 and
I've got
> a memory leaking problem that uses about 100Kb (as reported by RSS in a
> listing) for each log in / log out cycle.
> It only happens when I use the (windows) Jabber.com client (JIM) with
server to
> server comms enabled. If I disable the server to server comms (i.e.
comment it
> out in the jabber.xml file) or use myJabber instead I don't get the leak.
> I have studied the pool memory code in great detail and am convinced that
> isn't a leak there, but there are several malloc's and strdup's that
> within the pool system.
> Is this a known problem, is there a fix ... Help.
> James
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