[JDEV] About AOL Email technology

Yuval Gross yuvalgross at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 4 06:49:10 CST 2002

> Hi !!
> As for a while, I've been searching for a way to send/receive e-mails from
> (I mean through AOL servers not their web-site)
> I just wanted to ask you whether I can exploit the Jabber open-source
> resources
> to do this, or it's a totally different story. if so, i'd be highly glad
> you could lead me into knowledge base or code that demonstrates such
> capabilities.
> I have tried to investigate the AOL protocol quite a lot, and have gained
> little experience about it, but it's far from being good enough,
> for picture/graphics embedded in the email body. the AOL protocol is far
> vague in this situation. (as it is obsucre in general, on second thought..
> concepts like "Tokens" (for operations), and "FDO" (compression methods..)
> are common in AOL protocol but are not clear enough to work with.
> (all AOL packets are something like "Z**....."
> I know that in order to send AIM one has to deal with the above kinds of
> packets
> Did you manage to do it? or found other way that can bypass AOL horrible
> transport methods?
> Thanx very much
> Yuval Gross
> Software Engineer
> P.S:
> the target AOL server which I know is "AmericaOnline.aol.ocm:5190"
> I've noticed something about "OSCAR" farm servers, is there any significant difference?
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