[JDEV] jabberstudio has some bugs

Richard Dobson richard at dobson-i.net
Tue Dec 17 18:29:36 CST 2002

On Tuesday, December 17, 2002, at 07:42  pm, Ralph Siemsen wrote:

> Rene Kluwen / Chimit Software Solutions wrote:
>> A 302 redirect status code is followed by the Location: header.
>> This header specifies the URL to redirect to.
>> In such a case, the body is ignored and the Location-url is fetched in
>> stead.
> Right.  So probably IE is getting confused by the fact that there is a 
> body there.  Probably somebody at m$ said "hey we can send some free 
> advertising in there" :)

No it is perfectly valid to have body content when doing a 302 
redirect, usually the default apache 302 redirects contain a body which 
displays a message such as "This page is now located at ..." to support 
very old browsers that dont know about 302 redirects and gives the user 
the information they need to get to where they are wanting to go.

> Does jabberstudio contain any links to directories that are missing 
> the trailing slash?  That would normally cause a redirect in apache, 
> and maybe php is emulating this behaviour for some reason?  Just 
> guessing,
> but always putting trailing slashes on URLs that aren't a specific 
> file is a good idea...

I dont understand what you are trying to get at here? Default apache 
behaviors have nothing to do with PHP.


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