[JDEV] Internal Jabberd error : Packet delivery failed (Invalid packet)

OUCHIA Mehdi FTRD/SVA/LAN mehdi.ouchia at rd.francetelecom.com
Wed Dec 4 08:52:53 CST 2002


from a client called "ouchia at tournedix", an 'accept' component called "configurationmanager.tournedix" received this iq query : 

<iq type='get' id='j1' to='configurationmanager.tournedix' from='ouchia at tournedix/ouchia_758'>
    <query xmlns='http://rd.francetelecom.com/eTelephony/of/configuration/terminalslist'>

then the 'accept' component try to respond to  this client with this XML packet : 

<iq id='j1' to='ouchia at tournedix/ouchia_758' type='result'>
    <query xmlns='http://rd.francetelecom.com/eTelephony/of/configuration/terminalslist'>
        <company name='FTRD'>

Unfortunately, as you can see in the following traces, the packet is not delivered to the client, however my XML flow is well formed. I don't understand, an 'accept' would have been to send a jabber packet to any client, wouldn't it ?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Wed Dec  4 15:15:18 2002  deliver.c:257 deliver(to[configurationmanager.tournedi
x],from[ouchia at tournedix/ouchia_758],type[4],packet[<iq type='get' id='j1' to='c
onfigurationmanager.tournedix' from='ouchia at tournedix/ouchia_758'><query xmlns='
Wed Dec  4 15:15:18 2002  deliver.c:474 DELIVER 1:configurationmanager.tournedix
 <iq type='get' id='j1' to='configurationmanager.tournedix' from='ouchia at tourned
ix/ouchia_758'><query xmlns='http://rd.francetelecom.com/eTelephony/of/configura
Wed Dec  4 15:15:18 2002  deliver.c:678 delivering to instance 'configurationman
Wed Dec  4 15:15:18 2002  mio.c:1054 mio_write called on x: 81F0090 buffer: (nul
Wed Dec  4 15:15:18 2002  mtq 8146AE8 leaving to pth
Wed Dec  4 15:15:18 2002  mio.c:279 write_dump writing data: <iq type='get' id='
j1' to='configurationmanager.tournedix' from='ouchia at tournedix/ouchia_758'><quer
y xmlns='http://rd.francetelecom.com/eTelephony/of/configuration/terminalslist'>
Wed Dec  4 15:15:18 2002  mio.c:607 mio while loop top
Wed Dec  4 15:15:18 2002  mio.c:620 mio while loop, working
Wed Dec  4 15:15:18 2002  mio.c:607 mio while loop top
Wed Dec  4 15:15:18 2002  mio.c:620 mio while loop, working
Wed Dec  4 15:15:18 2002  mio.c:760 MIO read from socket 15: <iq id='j1' to='ouc
hia at tournedix/ouchia_758' type='result'><query xmlns='http://rd.francetelecom.com/eTelephony/of/configuration/terminalslist'>
<company name='FTRD'><terminals><te
Wed Dec  4 15:15:18 2002  base_accept.c:120 process XML: m:80E3838 state:3, arg:
810E5D0, x:81F0090
Wed Dec  4 15:15:18 2002  log.c:116 <log type='warn' from='-internal'>Packet Del
ivery Failed, invalid packet, dropping &lt;iq id=&apos;j1&apos; to=&apos;ouchia@
tournedix/ouchia_758&apos; type=&apos;result&apos;&gt;&lt;query xmlns=&apos;http
ompany name=&apos;FTRD&apos;&gt;&lt;terminals&gt;&lt;terminal&gt;&lt;e164alias&g
Wed Dec  4 15:15:18 2002  deliver.c:474 DELIVER 3:-internal <log type='warn' fro
m='-internal'>Packet Delivery Failed, invalid packet, dropping &lt;iq id=&apos;j
1&apos; to=&apos;ouchia at tournedix/ouchia_758&apos; type=&apos;result&apos;&gt;&l
t;query xmlns=&apos;http://rd.francetelecom.com/eTelephony/of/configuration/term
inalslist&apos;&gt;&lt;company name=&apos;FTRD&apos;&gt;&lt;terminals&gt;&lt;ter
Wed Dec  4 15:15:18 2002  deliver.c:678 delivering to instance 'elogger'
20021204T14:15:18: [warn] (-internal): Packet Delivery Failed, invalid packet, d
ropping <iq id='j1' to='ouchia at tournedix/ouchia_758' type='result'><query xmlns=

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mehdi OUCHIA                 mehdi.ouchia at rd.francetelecom.com
> france telecom R&D/SVA/KIS        
> Téléphone : (33) 2 96 05 21 68            Télécopie  : (33) 2 96 05 02 42
> 2 rue Pierre Marzin      
> 22307 LANNION cedex	
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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