[JDEV] Emoticons: guidelines

Dave dave at dave.tj
Tue Apr 23 17:53:33 CDT 2002

Reply inline:

 - Dave

Richard Dobson wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dave" <dave at dave.tj>
> To: <jdev at jabber.org>
> Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 9:21 PM
> Subject: Re: [JDEV] Emoticons: guidelines
> > > When sending the icons, via some method, to a remote client.  Who should
> > > be responsible for checking that the images don't uncompress (format
> > > permitting) into a 10Gb file that causes a remote DoS ?  My guess would
> > > be the client is responsible... Hmm, I think I just answered my own
> > > question.
> > That whole question is moot if you're using an existing standard (like
> > HTML IMG tags), rather than stewing your own kludge: web browsers are
> > well-equipped to handle large amounts of data - they either take up all
> > your virtual memory, or crash ;-/
> BTW, its not "stewing your own kludge" its taking what is pretty much a
> standard in other im systems and enhancing it for jabber, MSN, AIM and Yahoo
> all as far as I know send character strings to represent the emoticons in
> the message that the receiving client then replaces with emoticon images
> when the message is displayed.
Each of them does it in a different way.  More importantly, though,
none of them are XML-based IM systems, so including XML elements is
impossible for them.  Their text-murder approach is one of desperation -
a last-ditch effort to support emoticons.  We have a much more flexible
IM system, so we might as well use it.

> Also why mention web browsers, jabber is not a web browser ???
Jabber clients that download images off the 'net had better be (or be
able to talk to) web browsers.  Else, it'll be rather hard for them to
fetch the images.

> Richard
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