[JDEV] Emoticons: guidelines

Dave dave at dave.tj
Mon Apr 22 15:21:22 CDT 2002

Reply inline:

 - Dave

Dave Turner wrote:
> --MIdTMoZhcV1D07fI
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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> On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 09:17:24AM -0400, Dave wrote:
> > People who are behind firewalls and proxies can upload their favorite
> > emoticons to GeoCities, and have their clients put in references to
> > there automatically.
> That sounds like a pain in the rear from the users' point of view.
...not if the client does that all for you automatically :-)

> I actually think that just having a client side configuration that
> defines regexps to replace with graphics would be interesting enough.
That was my other original idea (take a peek at my first post on this
subject, a few days ago).  However, the sender may want a little more
control over the interpretation of his message, and having the receiving
client decide those regexps takes that control away from the sender
(although receiving clients may want to implement the above anyway, as
it doesn't clash with any standards whatsoever).  Now, if the sender is
going to decide those regexps (as I presume you intend), you'll have to
invent a new namespace for all this gunk, and send info on how to parse
the message with the message itself.  It sounds more and more like a
kludge the more I think of it :-(

> That way the user isn't constrained to a small number of icons bundled
> with their client.
The user is only constrained by the number of icons he can find/create
URLs for :-)

> When sending the icons, via some method, to a remote client.  Who should
> be responsible for checking that the images don't uncompress (format
> permitting) into a 10Gb file that causes a remote DoS ?  My guess would
> be the client is responsible... Hmm, I think I just answered my own
> question.
That whole question is moot if you're using an existing standard (like
HTML IMG tags), rather than stewing your own kludge: web browsers are
well-equipped to handle large amounts of data - they either take up all
your virtual memory, or crash ;-/

> --=20
> Dave Turner
> http://figroll.com/
> --MIdTMoZhcV1D07fI
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> =g+iV
> --MIdTMoZhcV1D07fI--
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