[JDEV] Emoticons: guidelines

Richard Dobson richard at dobson-i.net
Mon Apr 22 06:01:23 CDT 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Parslow (PatRat)" <tom at almostobsolete.net>
To: "Richard Dobson" <jdev at jabber.org>
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 11:08 AM
Subject: Re[2]: [JDEV] Emoticons: guidelines

> It also allows the sender to determine the receivers IP address (if
> they retrieve the image) which is not good....

Yup another bad thing, didnt think of that but thats definitely a problem,
not to mention having to have an HTTP server running in a client, which
makes for too much bloat (for my liking) and also potential security
problems as well as firewall incompatibility.

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