[JDEV] Emoticons: guidelines

Mattias Campe mattias.campe at rug.ac.be
Thu Apr 18 09:35:16 CDT 2002

Michael Brown wrote:
>>>I didn't mean that everything should be with words to be descriptive,
>>>like ":-)" itself is descriptive enough. Indeed, I would also want as
>>>much ASCII-art as possible. But for those other "expressions" (e.g.
>>>love) other things are needed and (l) (b) don't mean much to me.
>>>Suppose I'm a hardcore Windows-user and I talk to you through Jabber:
>>>I just (e) u. I also have a (i) for your project. Maybe we could discuss
>>>after a (~) or we could (b). I have some bad news, my (@) died, yeah, I
>>>know: (u) .
>>>Damn, I'm tired, well, look at the (o), I'll need some (c) , no I'll
>>>just (s) ... BTW, do not forget, it's my (^) tomorrow, hope to have good
>>>weather so (h) Anyway, I'll (t) or (m) you tomorrow.
>>That's awful.  If they had used [emailed] rather than (e) then it would
>>still be readable on textbased clients, and it wouldn't take any longer to
>>type on the graphical client, because they just select an icon from a
> list.
> Sorry to reply to my own reply, but thinking about it, I can see Mattia's
> point (I think)
> Why don't we come up with a Jabber "standard" list, that is text mode
> friendly, and the transports can handle the translations to annoying systems
> like MSN.  (Transports are cool!)
> Michael.

Yes, you see my point, thx! Because of the text mode friendlyness the 
transports don't even have to handle the translations because anyone 
will be able to understand it, they only won't see it graphically...

Michael, you proposed [email] instead of (e), but I should take :email: 
over [emailed]. Why? Well, I live in Belgium and I've got an azerty 
keyboard where the "[" and "]" are in a quiet unreachable position (and 
I need the <Alt Gr> key) and I think the ":" will be easy reachable with 
every keyboard.
Conclusion: I can type :email: much faster than [email]


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