[JDEV] Non english messages solution?

Gang Liu gang_l at 21cn.com
Tue Sep 25 04:36:58 CDT 2001

Alex She <alexshe,Hi!

>> >Mr Gang Liu <gang_l at 21cn.com>:
>> >why You use java as sever side ? I can not understand you. tell me if
>> you can.
>> 	I use java to write my own xdb module. The jabberd is from
>> jabber.org.
>  I work hard to write xdb to oracle , I use xdb_sql and prco c language, and a 
>long way to go for me. I need detail about java xdb module.
   I am using jabberbeans API.
   Please have a look at http://www.jabber.org/?oid=294
>>     I do not change anything in jabberd. I think that u do not
>> understand my question.
>> U can try it yourself.Send a GBK encoding message to BIG5 client.
>  my im client can do this successfully. following is some clues.
   Which im client? I am using winjabber.One OS is w2k(GBK), the other is win98(big5).
I sent message to another, got many "?".
>  1. jabber im not supprot point to point. A send a msg to b , is a send a msg 
>to server, and server send it to b if he online, or store and forward.
>  2. any client send stream in UTF8, which has a direct bit map to unicode , so 
>some one call UTF8 as unicode, exactly it is wrong, lookup UTF8 in search 
>engine for more details.
yes, I know, you are right.
>  3. for big5 
> 4. for gbk
> 5. gb2312 is a subset of  GBK after some handle, and you use GBK not gb2312.
>All in one: if you convert incoming UTF8 stream to native charset, everything 
>is done,
 UTF8 byte stream --> unicode --> native byte stream
 UTF8 byte stream --> native byte stream 

 which is right above?

 I have test the first using java.The unicode I got is right.But native byte stream is wrong.

 byte[] utf8;

 String unicodeString = new String(utf8, "utf8");
 byte[] gbk = unicodeString.getBytes("BGK");

>BTW , what parser you use in client end? expat? if not , you may look at your 
>client parser.
	winjabber uses jabberCOM.
>goood luuck.
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               Gang Liu
               gang_l at 21cn.com

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