[JDEV] Jabber server on HPUX

KAMARAJ,SEENIRAJ (HP-Cupertino,ex1) seeniraj_kamaraj at hp.com
Sun Sep 16 23:01:39 CDT 2001


 Im trying to build jabber server on hpux 11.0
 Has anyone tried this before?

 I was able to build it.
  I used gcc (which inturn requires binutils).
  The build went thru' except for one little hurdle.
   'Unsatisfied symbols: modf (code)'
    Linked it with -L/usr/lib -lm 
    by modifying jabberd/Makefile
  It went thru' fine.

 But while running....there seem to be some problem.
  I get NO debug messages (run with -D) and also 
  it is not listening on port 5222. I was not able to 
  connect to that port. There is no core dump. The  
  process is up. 

 Did I miss anything?
 Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks and Regards,

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