[JDEV] Marvin 0.0.5 Released!

Thomas Parslow (PatRat) patrat at rat-software.com
Tue Nov 27 17:03:55 CST 2001

Marvin 0.0.5 has just been released!

Marvin is a Jabber client written in the Euphoria programing language
(for more information on Euphoria take a look at
http://www.rapideuphoria.com/). It is fully skinable so that it's look
and feel can be customized (much like Winamp except the skin format is
a lot more flexible).

For more information see:

Changes for 0.0.5:
* Message History
* XML Debug Window (left alt-keypad minus)
* Gateway setup
* Auto away
* Lots more small additions and bug squishings

Feedback would be much appreciated :)

Thomas Parslow (PatRat) ICQ #:26359483
Rat Software
Please leave quoted text in place when replying

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