[JDEV] Invalid handshake in component written with Jabber::Component

Migs Paraz map at internet.org.ph
Mon Nov 5 05:22:23 CST 2001

I'm trying to write my own JUD transport in Perl using Jabber::Connection.
I think the problem is the Perl script's "localname."  Thanks in advance!

Here's the script output:

SEND: <?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns='jabber:component:accept' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' to='localhost'>
RECV: <?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' id='3BE66CA0' xmlns='jabber:component:accept' from='jud'>
SEND: <handshake id='1'>a4e308bfb34c7bade5130d882ad71599bb4bca89</handshake>
RECV: <stream:error>Invalid handshake</stream:error><handshake/>
stream error: Invalid handshake at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux/XML/Parser/Expat.pm line 614

Here's the jabberd output:

Mon Nov  5 18:40:32 2001  mio.c:750 MIO read from socket 11: <handshake id='1'>a4e308bfb34c7bade5130d882ad71599bb4bca89</handshake>
Mon Nov  5 18:40:32 2001  base_accept.c:105 process XML: m:8140B40 state:3, arg:8108AA8, x:81F2BA0
Mon Nov  5 18:40:32 2001  mio.c:1032 mio_write called on x: 0 buffer: <stream:error>Invalid handshake</stream:error>
Mon Nov  5 18:40:32 2001  mio.c:1032 mio_write called on x: 0 buffer: <handshake/>
Mon Nov  5 18:40:32 2001  mio.c:275 write_dump writing data: <stream:error>Invalid handshake</stream:error>
Mon Nov  5 18:40:32 2001  mio.c:275 write_dump writing data: <handshake/>
Mon Nov  5 18:40:32 2001  base_accept.c:105 process XML: m:8140B40 state:4, arg:8108AA8, x:8050ADC

Here's the relevant part of the script:

use Jabber::Connection;
use Jabber::NodeFactory;
use Jabber::NS qw(:all);

my $c = new Jabber::Connection(
  ns => "jabber:component:accept",                             
  server => 'localhost:1234',
  localname => "jud.localhost",
  log    => 1,

$c->connect or die "oops: ".$c->lastError;

Here's the relevant part of the configuration:

<service id="sessions">
   <jsm xmlns="jabber:config:jsm">
      <service type="jud" jid="jud.localhost" name="Jabber User Directory">


<service id="jud">

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