[JDEV] Problems with a Jabber client written in Java (It works on NT butnot on Linux)

David Waite dwaite at jabber.com
Tue May 29 11:51:34 CDT 2001

The only thing which comes to mind right off the bat is that Redhat
installed kaffe, and it is being used instead of Sun's JDK. I have never
done testing with JabberBeans on kaffe.

-David Waite

"Jackson, Aubrey" wrote:

> Hello to the group,
>         I have a problem with a Java client that I have written and
> was wondering if anyone else had run across a similar situation. As
> mentioned in the subject line the client is written in Java. It uses
> the JabberBeans framework (0.9.0-pre4) APIs as the basis for
> communication with a Jabber server. The client works fine when run on
> the WindowsNT 4.0 operating system. However, when run on Red Hat Linux
> 6.2 the client is never connected to the server. The client sends the
> correct username and password to the appropriate server but never
> receives a connection notification from the server. No packets from
> the server are ever received by my client after my client sends the
> authentication packet. Has anyone else seen this type of problem?
> Thank you
> Aubrey
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