[JDEV] Probs w/ Jabberd 1.4.1 and Scripts

Matthew Miller MatthewM at vdr.com
Tue May 29 10:52:42 CDT 2001

Hello all,

I am having some problems with jabberd (version 1.4.1).  Specifically, I
cannot (for the life of me) get it to continue executing from within a
script.  I will execute (from CLI):
jabberd -h localhost -H /usr/jabber/ -c /usr/jabber/jabber.xml &

And run just fine.  But if I put this line into a script, it fails.  I went
through the FAQ's, and found that note about the previous versions needing a
connected TTY in order to stay running, but this is (supposed to be) fixed
in 1.4.1...

If anyone can give me a clue here, it'd be great.  The server platform
(currently) is a K6-II (300 MHz) w/ 64 MB RAM and a 30 GB HDD, running
Redhat 7.1 (linux kernel 2.4.2-2).


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