[JDEV] Packets not sent from server

Gerard BUNEL gerard.bunel at ago.fr
Mon May 28 08:45:04 CDT 2001


I've witten server side modules in Java using jabberbeans API.
I'm having some problem concerning some XDB requests not sent from the
In fact I've a first module, using the connect mode that handles
I've another module that has to handle all XDB requests.
When authentication is done, the jsm tries to store some user
informations using XDB (file user.c).
I don't understand why the authentication information is needed at this
point as all authentication has been
previously handled.
That should not be a problem if the corresponding requests were really
sent to my XDB module. In
fact the server traces indicates that it tries to do it but no message
comes in it, and it fact none is sent
(I've used tcpdump to check). As the server receives no response it
tries again 2 times.
After a certain amount of time, probably corresponding to a timeout, the
3 previous requests are sent.

In my point of view, it seems to be a thread deadlock.

Has anybody encounter this problem and had any solution for it ?


gerard.bunel at ago.fr - Atlantide - http://www.ago.fr/atlantide/
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e-mail: atlantide-brest at ago.fr
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