[JDEV] need help

ravindra bommineni ankpova at yahoo.com
Sat May 26 22:44:04 CDT 2001

hi all

i wrote one VB program to connect to jabber server
using JabberCOM.it is working fine. program is like

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim Jsession As JabberSession
Set Jsession = New JabberSession
    Jsession.Username = Text1
    Jsession.Password = Text2
    Jsession.Resource = Text3
    Jsession.Server = Text4
   If Check1.Value <> 0 Then
    Jsession.DoConnect True, jatDigest
    Jsession.DoConnect False, jatDigest
   End If
    Debug.Print Jsession.Active
End Sub

it is showing Jsession.Active as true if it is able to
connect otherwise it is showing as false.it looks fine

but i wrote one IIS Active Server Page file like

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Login screen</TITLE>
<BODY leftMargin=0 topMargin=0>
<TABLE width="100%">

	'try to connect to the server
	If Request("Connect") = "yes" Then
		Set Jsession =

		Jsession.Username =
Request("uName")'"bommineni at jabber.org"
		Jsession.Password = Request("pass")'"sirisha"
		Jsession.Resource = Request("resource")'"CloudChat"
		Jsession.Server = Request("server")'"jabber.org"
	 'If user is new	
	 If Request("newone") = "on" Then
		Jsession.DoConnect True,jatDigest	 
	 'If user is already registered one
		Jsession.DoConnect False,jatDigest
	 End If	
	 Response.Write Jsession.Active 
	 'Sub OnConnect()
	'	Response.Write "yes"
	 'End Sub
	End If
     <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="login.asp">            
            <TD align=Right>UserName:</TD>
            <TD><Input type=text Name=uName></TD>
            <TD align=Right>Password:</TD>
            <TD><Input type=password Name=pass></TD>
            <TD align=Right>Resource:</TD>
            <TD><Input type=text Name=resource
value="CloudChat" readonly></TD>
            <TD align=Right>Server:</TD>
            <TD><Input type=text Name=server></TD>
          <input type=hidden name = "Connect"
            <TD align=Right><INPUT TYPE=Checkbox
            <TD>I am new User</TD>
            <TD align=Right>&nbsp;</TD>
            <TD><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT
VALUE="Connect">&nbsp;<Input type=RESET

but problem here every time 
Response.Write Jsession.Active is showing False.why
every time it is showing as "False".why it is not able
to connect to server?please help me on this asap. 


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