[JDEV] how to connect to jabber server using asp

Emswiler, Mike MEmswiler at protrader.com
Fri May 25 19:08:59 CDT 2001

I think you might have a bigger problem ... and that is that the jabber
session will expire when the page ends ...

-----Original Message-----
From: ravindra bommineni [mailto:ankpova at yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 5:28 PM
To: jdev at jabber.org
Subject: [JDEV] how to connect to jabber server using asp


i am trying to connect to jabber from my asp program.i
wrote program like this.

        Set Jsession =

        Jsession.Username = Request("uName")
        Jsession.Password = Request("pass")
        Jsession.Resource = Request("resource")
        Jsession.Server = Request("server")
         'If user is new       
         If Request("newone") = "on" Then
                Jsession.DoConnect True,jatPlain
         'If user is already registered one
                Jsession.DoConnect False,jatPlain
         End If
now i am trying to print the connection status like

Response.write Jsession.Active

but every time it is printing False.why?please help me
on this as soon as possible.where can i found more
details about JabberCOM?


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