[JDEV] Binary XML useful for Jabber?

Jens Alfke jens at mac.com
Wed May 23 11:11:32 CDT 2001

On Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 11:27 PM, David Waite wrote:

> it looks like textual content of attributes and cdata
> is handled by the inline strings, but tags have to use LITERAL, which 
> uses an
> offset into a table.

Dang! Though I suppose if we wanted to pursue this we could make our own 
variant that allowed inline tag/attribute names.

> Another worry is that it doesn't appear the binary format can
> extend to multiple bytes if needed - more than 64 unique tags would 
> seem to
> overflow the dictionary.

Isn't that why they have the whole page-swapping thing to support 
multiple single-byte namespaces for tags?

> Internally loaded (shared library) components of the server communicate 
> via
> structures which are centered around DOM-like XML nodes

OK, that sounds reasonable. So I don't see the issue -- the binary 
protocol could easily be parsed into exactly the same DOM data 
structures as the textual format. All it requires is a parser with a 
different front-end, which is what I meant in my last post.

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