[JDEV] Binary XML useful for Jabber?

Jens Alfke jens at mooseyard.com
Tue May 22 13:02:03 CDT 2001

On Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 09:29 AM, Thomas Charron wrote:

>     There is also the fact that by leaving the XML as ASCII, it leaves 
> the
> transmission hardware to actually compress the data.  Binary data is 
> much
> harder to compress then raw ASCII.

Yes, but the binary data would already be compressed much further than 
ASCII could be. For example, the tokenization would compress a long 
attribute name like "jabber:iq:conference" down to something like two 

One has to assume that the WAP people considered general compression vs. 
tokenization, and that they went with the latter because it offered 
better compression.

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