[JDEV] Re: [jadmin] Server Hardware Specification

kadokev at msg.net kadokev at msg.net
Wed May 9 13:38:24 CDT 2001

> Hi,
> I want to ask something. If i want to build a Jabber
> server. What is the spesification of the PC ? How many
> memory is used for one connection from client ? How
> many user can on line in jabber server ?
> Thank's for the help.

The limitations on the number of users on a single PC-based Jabber server will
be  more related to the choice of OS (FreeBSD, Linux[flavor of the day], etc)
than the PC hardware specifications.

The number of simultaneous connected users will be limited how the OS handles
select() for more than 1024 connections- in general, once you get above 1024
concurrent users, the select() logic will become a bottleneck, particularly
on Linux 2.2 and earlier.

The Commercial Jabber.Com version of the server does not have this limitation,
and future releases of the Open Source server may also include a scalability
fix to work around the limitations in select().

A limit on the total number of registered (not just concurrent) in the 'stock'
jabber distribution is the spool directory structure. The user 'login.xml'
files are stored in a single flat directory, as the total number of users
grows, opening files in this directory will slow greatly. It appears that
switching to xdb_sql or xdb_ldap does _not_ entirely cure this problem, as
the spool files are still used for some operations.

Kevin Kadow
MSG.Net, Inc.
jadmin mailing list
jadmin at jabber.org

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