[JDEV] Jabberd and RH 7.1

Matthew Miller MatthewM at vdr.com
Fri May 18 10:58:21 CDT 2001

Hello all,

I recently ran into some problems using jabberd on an installation of Redhat
Linux 7.1.  I found a workaround, although some may be able to find a better

Essentially, the problem was jabberd couldn't bind to ANY ports.  The output
(when running "jabberd -h localhost"):

	io_select unable to listen on port 5222 [(null)]
	io_select unable to listen on port 5269 [(null)]

It appears the problem was the "mio" (?) code could not establish a server
socket on the machine, because it didn't have an address to bind to.  Once I
modified jabber.xml and changed:

<ip port="5222"/>

<ip port="5222"></ip>

Things started functioning better (read:  once I changed all the active
"<ip/>" tags, then things worked).  Using address allowed jabberd to
bind to all addresses on the specified ports (duh!).

Anyways, I tried poking around the code a little this morning, but didn't
have enough time to properly address what's going on.


Matt Miller (a.k.a linuxwolf) -- matt at vdr.com

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