[JDEV] JabberCOM c++ sample

Dai Jin dai_jin at email.com.cn
Wed May 16 16:20:06 CDT 2001

Hello, david.belius,
    I have tried the same way with you. And i have gotten the same.
I don't know why the OnConnect() sink can't be fired. And it seemed
that no one has tried using the COM in VC++(i never see any project).
Can u get some idea? 

Best Regard,

>Are there any samples online?
>I need info about the eventsink stuff especially.
>I read in a post in the archives that you needed to create a COM object 
>to catch the events.
>I am not using this method, i have class based on IDispatch. I overload 
>Invoke() to catch the events.
>Then i create a instance of the class with the c++ new operator. I then 
>create a connection point and connect my class to IJabberSessionEvents, 
>like this:
>         MyEventSink *e = new MyEventSink;
>	IConnectionPointContainer *conncont;
>	IConnectionPoint *conn;
>	DWORD cookie=666;
>	hr = js->QueryInterface( IID_IConnectionPointContainer, (void**)&conncont );
>	if( FAILED(hr) )
>		printf("Error in query interface\n");
>	hr = conncont->FindConnectionPoint( DIID_IJabberSessionEvents, &conn );
>	if( FAILED(hr) )
>		printf("Error in FindConnectionPoint\n");
>	conncont->Release();
>	conn->Advise( e, &cookie );
>This method seems to work because i recieve OnXML() events. On the other 
>hand i don't recieve any OnConnect() or OnAuthError() or any other 
>events when i should be recieving them.
>Can anyone point me to a sample?
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            Dai Jin
            dai_jin at email.com.cn

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