[JDEV] trouble compiling dpsm

Dustin Puryear dpuryear at usa.net
Wed May 16 14:18:48 CDT 2001

Benoit Orihuela wrote:
> You also need to make modifications to the Makefile. I've added
> -I../jabberd in the CFLAGS sections. I've also had to remove
> connection.o from the objects list and add client.o
> After that, dpsm should compile well ...

I found I also needed ../jabberd/lib/karma.o to compile it. Dunno about
getting it to work, but at least it compiles now. Ahh, the hazards of
working with a pet project that has only just begun.  Anyway, for anyone
else trying to compile dpsm, my final Makefile that *seems* to work is:

CFLAGS=-Wall -g `libxode-config --cflags` `jabber-config --cflags` -I./
-DDEBUG=1 -I../jabberd
LIBS=`libxode-config --libs` `jabber-config --libs`
LDFLAGS=`libxode-config --ldflags` `jabber-config --ldflags`

dpsm_OBJECTS= \
        client.o \
        dpsm.o \
        listener.o \
        master.o \
        sockets.o \

dpsm_CFLAGS=-I../ -I./

all: $(dpsm_OBJECTS)
        $(CC) -g -o dpsm $(dpsm_OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)

        rm -f $(dpsm_OBJECTS) dpsm

I'm sure I broke something somewhere though. 

Regards, Dustin

Dustin Puryear <dpuryear at usa.net>
In the beginning the Universe was created. 
This has been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams

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