[JDEV] Renaming

Jens Alfke jens at mac.com
Tue May 15 13:42:51 CDT 2001

On Tuesday, May 15, 2001, at 10:43 AM, Emswiler, Mike wrote:

> It is an interesting debate. I started working with jabber some time 
> ago thinking of resource as a location, but now that I’ve used Jabber 
> more and more, I tend to think of it more of a device, as in pager, 
> cell phone, or even email.

I basically agree. But for a PC based client, "location" seems like a 
relatively good shorthand name, better than "resource". It's quite 
appropriate for a fixed desktop machine, not quite so much for a 
laptops, but I think people will get the idea.

Anyway, it doesn't matter so much to me what name the clients use for 
"location", so long as they manage to get the resource name set to 
something appropriate, which in most cases will require popping up a 
dialog in the user's face the first time the app's run (perhaps as part 
of the general setup UI.)

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