[JDEV] Renaming

Jens Alfke jens at mac.com
Tue May 15 12:16:04 CDT 2001

On Friday, May 4, 2001, at 08:12 PM, Justin Mecham wrote:

> Educate, don't embrace stupidity.

Unfortunately it doesn't seem that existing clients deal with resource 
names very well. For example, gabber and Jabbernaut just seem to use the 
name of the app as the resource name, which is pretty useless. In 
Jabbernaut (dunno about gabber) it is possible to go into a pref dialog 
and set a different resource name, but most people won't figure this out 
on their own or understand what it's supposed to be used for.

By contrast, in my [embryonic] client I require the user to enter a 
resource name the first time the program's run. The modal dialog refers 
to it as a "location name" and explains what it's used for. The resource 
name entered is saved as a per-user-per-machine preference. (It can 
later be edited in the prefs if the user changes her mind.)

Each buddy entry in my client's buddy list also shows the name of the 
highest priority online resource, so you see "Joe Blow at work" or "Joe 
Blow at PowerBook" depending on what machine JB is logged in from. 
Unfortunately, if the buddy's using another client it tends to display 
something like "Joe Blow at gabber" which is less than useful...

It would be nice if the people working on the other clients could take 
the time to fix this. It only took me a few minutes to implement my 
"location name" setup dialog.

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