[JDEV] Jabber, the Name

Jens Alfke jens at mac.com
Tue May 15 11:43:04 CDT 2001

On Monday, May 14, 2001, at 12:48 PM, Flora Brunas wrote:

> Is Jabber.com the only commercial company allowed to
> use the word "Jabber" for their company names and
> products?  This is not fair.

I agree. And this brings up a tangential question: what are the rules 
for Jabber clients' use of the Jabber "lightbulb" logo, and where can I 
get a canonical image of the logo to use in my client? I haven't seen 
any on the websites (wherever the logo appears it's joined into some 
other artwork in such a way that extracting it would be beyond my 
artistic skills.)

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