[JDEV] Jabber, the Name

Ted Rolle TRolle at uwgrocers.com
Mon May 14 16:01:24 CDT 2001

Hmmm.... Jabber.com is getting "protective" about the Jabber name.

The word "jabber" has been in use since the 1500s;  The Jabber protocol uses
the name "Jabber" by itself, and not in any new combination; it logically
follows that it is not a "contrivance".

It seems as though they'll shoot themselves (we'll shoot ourselves?) in the
foot with such actions; Open Source has a stigma associated with it that we
would be well to shed; getting into these kinds of battles can do nothing
but harm "the cause" in the long run.

"Fortune does not change anyone.  It unmasks them."

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