Implementing Jabber Server in other Languages (Was RE: [JDEV] Cus tomizing Jabber server)

Iain Shigeoka iainshigeoka at
Mon May 14 09:18:21 CDT 2001

At 04:42 PM 5/12/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>Hi Nitin,
>Thanks for stating the point so forcefully (and for mentioning Jabber to 
>France Telecom so long ago :). I think there is general agreement in the 
>Jabber community that we need to document the entire protocol (not just 
>client to server) so that other server implementations can be written. Now 
>we just need to do it! :)

Agreed.  In addition, many protocol "proposals" are available in the 
proposals sub-dir of the protocols tree and some (like dialback) are in 
active use and, in fact, _must_ be used by compliant servers.  These will 
need to be promoted to full protocols.  Unfortunately there doesn't seem to 
be a way to make this proceed smoothly.

I'm assuming this conversation is moving to docs-dev as much of this 
overlaps threads going on there.


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