[JDEV] EtherX vs. Transports

David Waite dwaite at jabber.com
Fri May 11 18:28:56 CDT 2001

Iain Shigeoka wrote:

> At 11:48 AM 5/11/2001 -0700, Mark Zamoyta wrote:
>> Other communication protocols such as SMTP, IRC, etc... specify
>> client-to-server protocol as well as server-to-server protocol, but for
>> Jabber I only find client-to-server protocol documented.
> :)  I had the same experience.  You need to look at the dialback 
> protocol in the proposed protocols documentation.  Once you use 
> dialback to establish a server-to-server connection, I believe you 
> just send XML packets as if that one connection were an multiplexed, 
> authenticated XML connection representing all clients to/from that 
> server.

*grin* I didn't work on dialback, but some of that document is probably 
from different things I wrote describing it. If you need any help, let 
me know.

And yes, after you 'authenticate' the server with dialback, you just 
multiplex packets through the socket. The requirements as far as I know 
are that the messages have to have a from and to address, and they have 
to have 'server' components of the jid matching the servernames on the 
dialback connection. Presence probe packets are also used to pull 
presence information when users come online; I anticipate mapping the 
presence system will be your next challenge after the dialback is handled.

-David Waite

> -iain
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