[JDEV] Customizing Jabber server

Gerard BUNEL gerard.bunel at ago.fr
Fri May 11 11:03:26 CDT 2001

Colin Madere a écrit :

> Matt Diez should pipe up here :)  Yes, you can write handlers for ANY
> namespace, as I understand it.  We (read: Matt Diez) wrote a handler
> which could re-route any IQ message, and I believe you can also have
> multiple modules handle the same namespace (this way you could leave
> the existing system that passes presence messages to the appropriate
> client AND have it go to some other system for whatever processing you
> want to do on it).

Is this true ? If so i'm really interested in more details on the
As I'm only interested in some XDB requests (AUTH or Rosters for
example), and only the one used for users
not global datas, I'm interested in submiting other requests to normal
XDB module (xdb_file) I'd like to
implement this. I imagine that's just a matter of configuration in
jabber.xml file but what has to be put in
this file so that to handlers can be registered for the same namespace ?

Any answer to this question ?
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