[JDEV] password authentication

Tony Byers nigelmas at zdnetonebox.com
Thu May 10 06:40:21 CDT 2001

Hello - I've been trying to figure out where the passwords from the client
and server are checked.  I've been looking in mod_auth_plain.c and I
see where it is comparing the passwords in mreturn mod_auth_plain_jane
but it never gets past  if(jpacket_subtype(m->packet) == JPACKET__GET).
 It goes into this section and returns.  All I want to do is add a call
to a kerberos function with the password from the client.  All I really
need is a place where I can get the password from the client and attempt
to get a kerberos ticket and fail authentication if I can't.  Thanks
in advance for any advice.

Tony Byers

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