[JDEV] Customizing Jabber server

John Hebert john at vedalabs.com
Wed May 9 10:51:55 CDT 2001

5/9/01 7:45:12 PM, Gerard BUNEL <gerard.bunel at ago.fr> wrote:
>Not exactly if my understanding of jabber protocol is correct.
>I beleive that the Jabber server acts simply as a router for messages whose destination is another server.
>But in my case, the Jabber user is also an Application Server user. So I try to not constraint the user to log twice for example
>I also want that some data already managed by the Application Server could be used as Jabber user's Data (vCard, Rosters, etc...).
>My first starting point seems to be XDB module. If my understanding is correct I should have to patch or replace the default
>xdb_file so that all persistent data could be completely managed by the Application Server.
>But, in that case, what about authentication data for example. Should they really be retreived from the Application Server.

As wasted pointed out, there are current projects like JAM (http://jabber.org/?oid=532) and xdb_java (http://xdbjava.sourceforge.net/) (Hey Matt! Get busy! :)
that are pointing towards the same goal as you. Check the JDEV archives for "xdb_java" for more info.

When you ask "Should they really be retreived from the Application Server", do you mean the auth data as an object?
Sounds interesting. And it brings up some ideas I've had.

I've been wondering why the Jabber Server hasn't been implemented in other languages such as Java or Python with
C calls to the appropriate libs. It seems that multiple server platform implementations could only help in the adoption of Jabber.
I mean, wouldn't the Jabber Server running under Apache Tomcat be really, really cool? If Jabber is not just a chat protocol,
then performance/scalability is not a priority. Suitability of the jabber protocol to the task at hand is the priority.

IMHO, the ultimate aim is the widespread adoption of the Jabber protocol and not the current server implementation. Right, Jer?

John Hebert
System Engineer
Changing your state of mind through sound. 

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