[JDEV] Renaming
Justin Mecham
justin at aspect.net
Fri May 4 22:12:14 CDT 2001
Nothing that can't be alleviated with a simple phrase like "A resource is a unique id
for this Jabber connection used to identify each connection you may have with Jabber.
It is important to use a unique resource for each Jabber installation since you can
be logged in multiple times. Most people will use the name of a location or device to
identify their connection, such as "Home" or "Cell Phone.""
Just because it's a new term doesn't mean it can't be easily described and learned.
It all relates to how well a particular interface to Jabber is written. I shouldn't
have to tell you that, your a interface guru.
Educate, don't embrace stupidity.
---- Original Message ----
Julian Missig
Fri 5/4/01 22:03
justin at aspect.net
jdev at jabber.org, jcape at jcinteractive.com
Re: [JDEV] Renaming
The problem is that it will be referred to as resource everywhere
else... especially as we use more and more agents and
labels/instructions coming in from the server... then the users will
know "location" but have no idea what the "resource" is. The point of a
location/resource is somewhat lost if the user isn't aware of what it is
between clients.
On 04 May 2001 21:55:52 -0500, Justin Mecham wrote:
> I differ. Resources should remain as resource, since in reality, on a protocol level
> that's what they are. The protocal can be implemented however you wish. This is
> simply a client side issue. If you don't like the term resource, it's easy to change
> the label for it to say "Location" :)
> Justin
> ---- Original Message ----
> From:
> Julian Missig
> Date:
> Fri 5/4/01 21:48
> To:
> jdev at jabber.org
> Cc:
> James M. Cape
> Subject:
> [JDEV] Renaming "Resource"
> I realize it's quite late in the game to propose such a thing... but
> "resource" is a really confusing name. Several people with user
> interface experience and I feel that "location" would be a better name.
> While it may become quite common to have several applications on the
> same computer which will be accessing Jabber and thus need multiple
> resources, I think the word "location" gets the point across more
> quickly and would be better understood, even though the user is not
> technically at a different physical location when they're running a
> second client.
> Thoughts? Jer? Temas?
> Julian
> --
> email: julian at jabber.org
> jabber:julian at jabber.org
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