[JDEV] Commercial Success

Griffin Caruolo GCaruolo at jabber.com
Thu Jun 28 16:40:41 CDT 2001

I am posting this on behalf of Andre Durand, Founder of Jabber.com, Inc.



I just recently read your post to JDEV regarding commercial success within
the Jabber community. As I am quite active in Jabber market and community
development, I felt compelled to respond to your inquiry. After reading this
response, you or others would like to talk with me further about what is
discussed below, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at

While it might be easy for us who have been actively a part of Jabber
community development to think that we're well into the game of
commercializing instant messaging, presence and other real time
communications applications, technologies and services, the reality is, I
believe, we're barely to the starting line. 

As you know, Jabber is quite flexible, and provides and underlying
infrastructure for real time communication and presence management that has
a wide variety of applications. Because of this, I believe we have yet to
see the real killer Jabber application or service.  I liken the state of our
current timing as similar to 1991-1992-1993 with respect to Internet email.
There were plenty of users of SMTP email in the early 1990's, however, it
wasn't until 1995 that a real commercial market for SMTP server
infrastructure began, and it wasn't until perhaps even 1998 or 1999 that an
Internet email address became truly universal among the more wired nations. 

Depending on your perspective and involvement in Jabber or the Internet
economy, you may have a slightly different view, but the important thing to
realize about Jabber is that it is a relatively new technology, the first
public release of v1.0 was only last May, just over 1 year ago. 

We at Jabber.com believe that Jabber, like any platform opportunity,
provides a foundation for a robust taxonomy of companies. Consequently, we
believe that everyone within the Jabber ecosystem benefits as a result of
the existence of a wide variety of commercial, open and other interests, all
working towards different goals, but all tied together by this thing we call
the Jabber protocol. 

We ourselves are only in our earliest stages of commercialization, having
spent nearly a full year of our 1 year, 3 month existence accelerating the
open source project. We believe however, as do many others, that Jabber is a
platform from which a great number of opportunities exist, and we are all
actively working to realize our independent visions of this larger

I believe that if the adoption and momentum behind Jabber continues as it
has, that we will one day realize our goals of seeing Jabber become an
integral part of Internet infrastructure. Furthermore, I believe that if we
as a community are smart about how we interact, we will collectively build a
market for Jabber far faster than we would normally have expected. 

So, all of this is a rather long-winded way of saying, Jabber is still
young, the IM market is still young, there are lots of new application and
service opportunities that could leverage Jabber that are young and while
no-one knows what the fate of Jabber will be in 2 to 3 years, many of us
have either intuitive or concrete reasons for believing that a significant
commercial opportunity exists within and around this thing we call all know
as Jabber.


Andre Durand
Founder, Jabber.com, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Riedel [mailto:ariedel at xadra.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 12:53 AM
To: jdev at jabber.org
Subject: [JDEV] Commercial Success

Hello everyone,

I'm interested in hearing any true commercial success stories (other than
Jabber.com please) based on the Jabber platform. Is anyone out there working
for a company that is making $$$ using the Jabber platform? This would
include derivative products, integrators, or infrastructure hosters.


Andy Riedel

jdev mailing list
jdev at jabber.org

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