[JDEV] Fighting Jabber Spam

Thomas Charron tcharron at ductape.net
Tue Jun 26 09:56:13 CDT 2001

    This is a good topic to bring up, becouse, in theory, we could be even
MORE vulnerable to spam then a system such as AIM.  I won't say ICQ just
becouse it's to damned easy to just start spamming sequencial ICQ numbers..
8-P.  The issue here is that not only are we dealing with user<->user spam,
but user to user spam.  This is an even bigger issue with individuals
posting their info to a JUD.  God forbid someone write a transport that
would perform JUD lookups on external servers such as j.o., pull down lists
of users, spam the j.o. users, grab any external server addresses present in
the user info, connect to them, see if you can find a JUD on THAT server.
Then send spam to all the external users.  Blech.

    How can it be prevented?  Perhaps some sort of Karma limitation in the
JUD itself?  Prevelent user of mod_filter?

    What are peoples ideas or suggestions to prevent the transport stated

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adam Theo" <theo at theoretic.com>
To: "jdev" <jdev at jabber.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 1:39 AM
Subject: [JDEV] Fighting Jabber Spam
> so, what ideas are there already about fighting/preventing spam on
> jabber? technical ones? legal ones? other ones? anything.
> i've already stretched myself too thin. i am running a website by
> myself, that has about 10 projects going on at it (mostly
> programming-related, so that takes up alot of time), so i don't know how
> i could help this spam fight, BUT...
> i'd certainly try :)
> also, if anyone knows Perl, and has some spare time on their hands,
> especially if they might get a little bit of money for it, i'd be much
> obliged for any help you could give me on any of my projects. some of
> them are at www.theoretic.com (the rest are 'private' or 'beta' mode.).
> contact me if you are interested even mildly. i am flexible.
> --
>    /\   Theoretic Solutions (www.Theoretic.com):
>   //\\    'Activism, Software, and Internet Services'
> //--\\ Personal Homepage (www.Theoretic.com/adamtheo/):
>    ][     'Personal history, analysis, and favorites'
>    ][   Birthright Online (www.Birthright.net):
>           'Keeping the best role-playing game alive'
> Email & Jabber:                   Other:
> -Professional: theo at theoretic.com  -AIM: AdamTheo2000
> -General: adamtheo at theoretic.com   -ICQ: 3617307
> -Personal: adam at theoretic.com      -Phone: (850)8936047
> --
> Hello, Adam Theo here;
> --
>    /\   Theoretic Solutions (www.Theoretic.com):
>   //\\    'Activism, Software, and Internet Services'
> //--\\ Personal Homepage (www.Theoretic.com/adamtheo/):
>    ][     'Personal history, analysis, and favorites'
>    ][   Birthright Online (www.Birthright.net):
>           'Keeping the best role-playing game alive'
> Email & Jabber:                   Other:
> -Professional: theo at theoretic.com  -AIM: AdamTheo2000
> -General: adamtheo at theoretic.com   -ICQ: 3617307
> -Personal: adam at theoretic.com      -Phone: (850)8936047
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