[JDEV] jabberd does not detect client disconnects because of network failure

Dmitriy Kolegayev dmitriy at oven.com
Fri Jun 22 21:13:08 CDT 2001

I am running into a strange problem with jabber server. The server fails to
detect that the client is unreachable and keeps sending messages into void.

If a logged in client looses network connectivity the server does not detect
that this client is offline and still broadcasts its presence as online.
Moreover, messages sent to that disconnected client are accepted as online
messages and are not delivered. Only when there is a network path back to
the client node, the server detects that connection was dropped and resets
JID status to offline and, therefore, starts storing messages.

I am running jabberd 1.4.1 and WinJab.

Has anybody else run into this problem too and knows the solution to it if
there is any?

Thanks in advance.


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