[JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - Foundation Membership + Council Vote

Jabber DevZone webmaster at jabber.org
Wed Jun 20 14:24:00 CDT 2001

Foundation Membership + Council Vote

The following was posted by stpeter at jabber.org via the Jabber DevZone web site (http://dev.jabber.org/):

Two items of interest to all members of the Jabber community:

First, some folks missed out on the first opportunity to become
members of the Jabber Foundation. So if you're interested in being
able to vote on issues of importance to the Jabber community, visit
the application page at http://jabber.org/?oid=1372 -- applications
will be accepted through 24:00 GMT/UTC this Friday, June 22.

Second, this week the members of the Jabber Foundation are voting on
who will represent them on the Jabber Council. In case you haven't
heard, the 9 members of the Council will provide technical leadership
for the Jabber project as a whole, so it's important that you elect
people who you think will provide that kind of leadership. To vote for
Council members, you must be a member of the Foundation (see above).
The voting page is located at 
http://support.jabber.com/cgi-bin/foundation/council/survey.pl (you
can also view the results at

http://support.jabber.com/cgi-bin/foundation/council/results.pl). The
council vote is also open through 24:00 GMT/UTC this Friday.

If you have any questions (or problems with either of the forms),
please contact stpeter at jabber.org or bauer at jabber.com.



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