[JDEV] Patch for Jabber Server v1.4

Aurélien Gâteau aurelien at notrefamille.com
Fri Jun 15 04:36:34 CDT 2001

Hi !

I'm pretty new to this list (I just subscribed five minutes ago :o), so please tell me if I don't do everything as I should.

My company is developping a peer-to-peer application for genealogists and we are in the process of adding support for 
Instant Messaging, thanks to Jabber.

Our server is running MS SQL Server 2000. As it doesn't seem possible to get Jabber use a SQL Server database for 
users yet, we decided to create/update/delete users on Jabber whenever the SQL Server database was modified. I 
created a tool to register user on the Jabber server when such changes happened and a tool to automatically recreate 
Jabber users from the SQL Server users to get the existing users up to date and to be able to resynchronize Jabber in 
case anything bad happens... 
This tool was often getting connection limited by the Jabber server. Therefore I modified the server to allow bypassing 
Karma for a specific address. In the xml config file, you need to do something like this :

It's a little rough right now (no multiple IP or masks) but it seems to work well.
Could you tell me what you think about it ?

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