[JDEV] auto register

Thomas Charron tcharron at ductape.net
Wed Jun 13 14:12:56 CDT 2001

    So you basically want to lookup the user, and if it does not exist,
redirect it back thru to register the user, if I understand this correctly?

    IIRC, and this is without the source in front of me, you can mangle,
err, change, the packet within the mapi structure, and then call
jpacket_reset(m->packet), m being the mapi structure, which will cause the
packet to go back thru the system again.  One would think you could change
the IQ packet for auth into an IQ packet for registration, and run it thru
again?  Again, this may be a direction, but I have no source in front of me
to confirm this..

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Byers" <nigelmas at zdnetonebox.com>
To: <jdev at jabber.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 2:26 PM
Subject: [JDEV] auto register

> I'm wondering if anyone has done something like this before or has some
> idea about how to do it.  Rather than requiring that users register with
> the server, I would like to have them be automatically registered when
> the try to sign on.  Users will be restricted through kerberos and an
> external database which I already have working as long as I can get the
> username and password to authenticate.  I've been trying to call
> from within authreg.c but I can't seem to put it all together.  Any
> at all would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Tony Byers
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