[JDEV] Finding the client port from an MIO socket

Keith Minkler kminkler at jabber.com
Tue Jun 12 18:21:40 CDT 2001

MIO doesn't keep track of the remote port, but it does keep the remote IP in the m->ip member..

as far as I can remember, pth doesn't offer any help getting the remote port, and you will
have to use normal socket functions.

On Mon, Jun 11, 2001 at 11:49:59AM +1000, Robert Norris wrote:
> I'm messing with MIO, and on thing I haven't been able to do is find the
> remote port of a connection after it has been accepted (in the callback
> passed to mio_listen).
> Is there an easy way to do this (perhaps via PTH), or am I just going to
> have to do all the normal sockaddr, htons, etc stuff that gets done with
> "normal" IO? (the details slip my mind, perhaps time to track down my copy
> of Stevens).
> Ta,
> Rob.
> -- 
> Robert Norris                                          <rob at nauseum.org>
> 1024D/FC18E6C2        6FBF 098A A3F2 A728 490F  7743 59BD 7767 FC18 E6C2

Keith Minkler

Software Developer
Jabber.COM, Inc.
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