[JDEV] Jabber - Scripting Language

stpeter stpeter at jabber.org
Fri Jun 8 10:57:16 CDT 2001

I agree that powerful server-side filtering would get us a long 
way toward the goal. Seems to me that a lot of this could happen
via xpath matching.


P.S. Michael: I've been talking with someone who would like to add
text-to-speech functionality to eJab, shall I put you two in touch?
Message me off-list (stpeter at jabber.org)...

On Thu, 7 Jun 2001, Michael Abraham Shulman wrote:

> On Thu, 7 Jun 2001 13:26:26 -0600 , Todd Bradley <TBradley at jabber.com> said:
> >> Has there ever been any discussion of a client side scripting
> >> language for Jabber?  I'm thinking of something along the lines of
> >> mIRC's scripting language for the IRC protocol.
> > That was the source of my original interest in the Tcl client
> > (zABBER).  My goal was to have a client that had a scripting
> > language interpreter so you could write scripts to do special
> > handling of events.  But, alas, it's not that advanced.
> This is also one of the reasons I started developing my client EJab,
> which runs inside of Emacs and therefore is naturally scriptable in
> everyone's favorite language, Emacs Lisp.  I intentionally designed it
> to use hooks for almost everything, so that its behavior could be
> modified almost entirely from extenal elisp code.  Unfortunately it's
> not very full-featured yet and kind of buggy, nor is it documented at
> all, but you're welcome to check it out.
> http://ejab.sourceforge.net/
> If you're good with elisp and feel like helping out, feel free to
> contact me.
> And while I'm at it, here's my take on the scripting issue in general.
> Some kinds of scripting are more naturally client-based (like randomly
> setting an away message, or running a bot), and some are naturally
> server-based (like automatically responding to messages, or accepting
> or declining subscription requests).
> For the latter, I think the proper solution is an extension of
> mod_filter.  For the former, I think client-specific languages should
> suffice.  I don't really see a need for a cross-client scripting
> language as long as the server-side scripting is powerful enough.
> Witness the power of procmail and .forward files.  At the moment,
> mod_filter may not be as powerful as we might like, but it's miles
> ahead of any other IM system.
> \\// | R | T R | L B | //\\ ~ Michael Abraham Shulman
> http://kurukshetra.cjb.net/ ~ viritrilbia at users.sf.net
> ICQ #329350  ~  AIM Djhuty  ~ jabber://mas@jabber.org
> There are no accidents whatsoever in the universe.
>         -- Baba Ram Dass

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