[JDEV] Jabber DTD ...

Max Horn max at quendi.de
Sun Jun 3 06:00:25 CDT 2001

At 4:43 Uhr -0700 03.06.2001, Scott Cote wrote:
>Hello. I'm new to the Jabber dev list. I'm enjoying getting my feet wet
>in the Jabber universe. To that end, I have a question regarding some
>entries in the protocol DTD files.
>I've see elements that are formed similar to the following:
><!ELEMENT foo (( a? | b? | c?)*)>
>What is the difference between that and the following?
><!ELEMENT foo (( a | b | c)*)>

I think there is no difference at all, only somebody liked it a bit 
more complicated ;) But both regular expression yield the same.

Just my believe of course, i await being proved wrong ;)

Max Horn
C++/ObjC/Java Developer

email: <mailto:max at quendi.de>
phone: (+49) 6151-494890

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