[JDEV] Updated Jabber Test reporting..

Dustin Puryear dpuryear at usa.net
Thu Jul 12 16:41:21 CDT 2001

I added some nice reports to Jabber Test. When using nusers2.sh you can 
now enable GETRESULTS, which will grab and tabulate stats on message 

Each test has a detail report, such as the following one for 10 users, 
sending 1 msg/sec, for 60 seconds (nusers2.sh crack 10 1 60 test_):

User  MinDelTime MaxDelTime AvgDelTime MsgCnt ExpMsg MsgLossRate
0     0.00395    0.01123    0.00499    60     60     0.00000
1     0.00373    0.06952    0.00591    60     60     0.00000
2     0.00363    0.04631    0.00547    60     60     0.00000
3     0.00349    0.01610    0.00467    60     60     0.00000
4     0.00336    0.00978    0.00439    60     60     0.00000
5     0.00323    0.01195    0.00403    60     60     0.00000
6     0.00307    0.01033    0.00393    60     60     0.00000
7     0.00289    0.03328    0.00437    60     60     0.00000
8     0.00277    0.02735    0.00438    60     60     0.00000
9     0.00263    0.04627    0.00429    60     60     0.00000

Summary information for a series of test are then placed into summary.rpt:

Users Rate  Duration MinDelTime MaxDelTime AvgDelTime MsgCnt ExpMsg 
10    1     60       0.00263    0.06952    0.00464    600    600    0.00000
20    1     60       0.00438    0.23072    0.01508    1200   1200   0.00000
30    1     60       0.00612    0.33733    0.02170    1800   1800   0.00000
1     10    60       0.00112    0.04493    0.00147    600    600    0.00000
1     20    60       0.00109    0.01985    0.00152    1200   1200   0.00000
1     30    60       0.00111    0.07440    0.00179    1800   1800   0.00000
10    2     60       0.00268    0.28551    0.00636    1200   1200   0.00000
10    4     60       0.00279    0.10018    0.00526    2400   2400   0.00000
10    6     60       0.00287    0.09957    0.00712    3600   3600   0.00000

These reports were created using the sample run_nusers2 script, which 
contains the simple lines:

# test increasing users
./nusers2.sh crack 10  1 60 test_
./nusers2.sh crack 20  1 60 test_
./nusers2.sh crack 30  1 60 test_

# test increasing messages
./nusers2.sh crack 1 10  60 test_
./nusers2.sh crack 1 20  60 test_
./nusers2.sh crack 1 30  60 test_

# test increasing messages
./nusers2.sh crack 10 2 60 test_
./nusers2.sh crack 10 4 60 test_
./nusers2.sh crack 10 6 60 test_

Also, I talked with Colin and we decided to setup a website at 
jabbertest.sf.net to start hosting testing results. This will make it 
easier to see how jabberd scales on hardware. I'll notify everyone when 
the site goes up.


I can email builds if you don't want to download and install expat on 
your test servers. Oh, and this should be obvious to everyone, but you 
need to sync time on your servers for Jabber Test to give good data.

Regards, Dustin

Dustin Puryear <dpuryear at usa.net>
In the beginning the Universe was created.
This has been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams

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