[JDEV] Re: [Foundation] Roadmap Matrix (Survey #2)

Al Sutton al at alsutton.com
Fri Jul 6 01:25:04 CDT 2001

After seeing the Java port of the server on the roadmap I've decided to
release my Java server source code to the public. I don't feel I should
stand in the way of the projects' development by restricting the circulation
of the source code.

I've put a link to the jabserv page on the front page of www.alsutton.com so
it is easier for people to find.

I'm leaving it up to the people who download the source and/or binaries to
be honest and pay for it if they find it's useful....


P.S. Please remember it's still a work in progress.

P.P.S. Feel free to make this information & the URLs' public via news
releases or whatever.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Bauer" <bauer at jabber.com>
To: <jdev at jabber.org>; <members at jabber.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 11:05 PM
Subject: [Foundation] Roadmap Matrix (Survey #2)

> Well, based on feedback from the first survey, I have put together a
> for Jabber in the form of a little table.  It's at
>  http://foundation.jabber.com/cgi-bin/foundation/roadmap/survey.pl
> As you'll see, each major area of development, from server to
> to even the "community" has been broken into three major timeframes
> near, and long term).  Of course, there is overlap in the areas and
> fuzziness in the timeframes but you should be able to get the big picture
> quickly.
> Please provide your feeback both on the form and content of the roadmap.
> This isn't any kind of official "Foundation" document.  It's just a
> compilation of all the projects going on right now and all of the projects
> that seem to be planned.  If one of the projects on the list is yours,
> please point to relevant documentation or provide a brief summary.  The
> is to have all the projects in the roadmap linked to their own
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