RESPOST : [JDEV] JabberCOM update wacked - Further

Karthik K H karu708 at
Thu Jul 5 09:36:00 CDT 2001

--- Dmitriy Kolegayev <dmitriy at> wrote:
> Karthik, you have no one to blame but yourself and
> your buggy code.
> I briefly looked at the VC++ code you released on
> jabber's site previously
> and it was pretty bad. The event and COM handling
> were screwed up. Memory leaks everywhere.

In the first place it was not meant to be a great
production-type client like the Jabber Instant
Messenger itself. and I also had mentioned in my very
first mail that I am new to COM programming. 
I agree that i have overlooked some memory handling
issues , but it was meant to be a bare-bones example
to show those crying for a VC++ sample.

> I have written a VC++ client using JabberCOM and it
> works fine with latest JabberCOM dlls. Sure there
are some bugs in JabberCOM but overall it is a
> good piece of software. I downloaded the latest dll
> and everything works fine with it. To answer a
particular question about the presence - it still
 Great .. now how abt sharing it with others for
taking a look / testing it or is it "Proprietary"??
> Get a good C++ book before you call yourself a
> "professional developer"
   Pleeeeze suggest one!!!!

> Dmitriy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jdev-admin at
> [mailto:jdev-admin at]On Behalf Of
> Karthik K H
> Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 12:25 PM
> To: jdev at
> Subject: RE: RESPOST : [JDEV] JabberCOM update
> wacked - Further
> i can't imagine a few people are so dim-witted here
> the presence problem is not just one-way, it is both
> ways.  To put in more simpler terms...
> My VC++ client does not receive any presence
> notifications even if a user logs in on another
> machine using Jabber Instant Messenger....
> and more over here is the code that i have after I
> do
> a SUCCESSFUL login...
> m_pJabberSession->PutAvailable(TRUE) ;
> CString status("available") ;
> m_pJabberSession->PutStatus(status.AllocSysString())
> ;
> m_pJabberSession->SendMyPresence() ;
> and for those who might ask rather dimwittedly "what
> abt the login , was it successful ?"
> yes yes yes i have this code only after i make a
> check for a successful login...
> and what abt those ducks now ??
> ha ha ha ha ha....
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