RESPOST : [JDEV] JabberCOM update wacked - Further

Stephen Lee srlee at
Tue Jul 3 13:00:54 CDT 2001

He's right ya know, there is problems with Jabbercom.

The version of jabbercom that is currently shipping with winjab (Released
June 1,2001) was never released anywhere else. I talk to Peter about this
not long after he put out that version and he discovered several problems
with it. We have tested several versions of Jabbercom since then and the one
Currently on the sourceforge site 'seems' to be relatively stable. The
problem is that if your client is on a machine and that person installs
winjab, your client will not work anymore. I know this is true for all VB
clients that we have tested.

I would suggest asking Peter to remove the download of winjab from the
sourceforge site until he has time to do a new install , this would stop the
problem for most clients at the moment.

I would also recommend that the developers of all the other clients have a
chance to test the jabbercom he is working on so this doesn't happen again.
I understand that Peter is setting up a mailing list for jabbercom to try
and stop this from happening again.

I too am waiting for my version of Delphi and am currently working on using
an eval version so that I can contribute to jabbercom. Of course we are
always pleased to test anything prior to release for peter.


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