[JDEV] 1.4pre2 dnsrv error + unicode

Keith Minkler keith at digix.dyndns.org
Wed Jan 31 01:22:34 CST 2001


yes, you can use unicode in XML, but it MUST be UTF-8 encoded properly, otherwise the expat parser will fail to parse the xml from the config file.

Is it possible that one of your socket/resolv libraries is out of date, or different than the one dnsrv was developed under?  It lookes like your library is missing the res_querydomain function (?) which gives that error on startup, and when dnsrv tries to send to another server (it does this during startup) it's corenig when it gets to that function call (since it's missing)...  

I'm not positive which libraries are needed for that offhand, you may want to look in the dnsrv/ folder and look at the Makefile to see which libraries are compiled into it.


On Tue, Jan 30, 2001 at 04:42:23PM +0900, ±ÇÀÏȯ wrote:
> Dear all.
> I am new to jabber and have installed server version 1.4pre2 on RedHat 6.1.
> I have two questions regarding running jabber.
> The first question . 
> When I sart jabberd, it show following error 
> "jabberd/jabberd: error in loading shared libraries: ./dnsrv/dnsrv.so: undefined symbol:  res_querydomain"
> I tried running jabber with -D option.
> When I tried to connect to the server from winjab client, jabber segment fails with following     debug message
> "deliver.c:641 delivering to instance 'dnsrv'"
> Any idea what I have done wrong?
> I start jabber with "-h localhost -D" options and <host/> part of jabber.xml is set to "localhost" as well.
> The second question.
> It seems like jabber does not support UNICODE?
> I modified <register>choose your jabber ID.......</register>, so that the message displayed would in Korea rather than in English. This caused xml parse error.
> I know that XML fully supports UNICODE, where should I look into for jabber's UNICODE support?
> Thanks a bunch.
> james kwon

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