[JDEV] msn-transport error

Brazell, Bill bill.brazell at attws.com
Thu Jan 25 12:54:51 CST 2001

I am having a problem with the msn-transport on jabber-1.4pre2.  I finally
got the msn-transport from the CVS to compile properly and have configured
it in jabber.xml.  The problem occurs when I try to use the newly installed

>From the JabberIM client, I go into Prefs, Services, and select the MSN
Transport service.

On the server, it reports: xdb_file failed to open
./spool/msn.localhost/bbrazell/%etech-web.nwest.attws.com.xml: No such file
or directory

I then enter the username, password, and nickname and click on Activate

On the server, it reports: ./jabberd/jabberd: error while loading shared
libraries: ./msn-transport/msntrans.so: undefined symbol: MD5Init

Not sure why it is looking for an xml file in the spool directory.

The second error also manages to halt the jabberd process.  Not a good
thing.  I did verify that the symbol is contained in msntrans.so.  Not sure
why it isn't defined.

Any help would be appreciated.


Bill Brazell

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